Heaven's deposits

Soul Snack 9/172 ... Heaven's deposits.

There is an 'after-glow' to sitting with God that she enjoyed. Crowned in a heavenly goodness as peace infused the soul. Drawn unusually within herself the deposits of heaven 'filled' her so well!

She had banked the deposits of the world for a seeming eternity. Grace and guile accompanied conviction and condemnation. All received with little reservation. Both good will and ill will competed so raucously within.

Deposits that had both built up and torn down co-existed.

Yet the deposits of heaven now felt so good as they challenged the deposits of earth.

Only heavenly wealth for the soul will rest well with human poverty of the spirit. This she now knew!

Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Ps 34:8

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