'Bloody' decisions!

Soul Snack 9/148 ... 'Bloody' decisions!

The cross is my focus for life - it is the seat of my decision making.

Upon the cross rests my responses to evil, injustice, humiliation and pain.

At the foot of the cross lays my future without evil, injustice humiliation and pain.

The depth of the nails pale when the depth of eternity is considered. The flow of blood a mere metaphor for the flow of life when standing in the blood of Christ.

To walk in His blood, to step upon Calvary, to permit my hands to be nailed and my side to be pierced is to live under His dripping blood.

This is how I am to make my decisions, for this is how He made His decisions for me!

... he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. 1 Peter 4:2

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