Soul Snack 8/75 ... Random Reasons!

"Random acts of kindness" - a wonderful new way to view life is permeating western culture today.

This is good, this is healthy, I'll support that! This is a random reality worth thinking more about, yep maybe even doing.

Yet, are any of life's events random? God speaks with deliberateness about life. Certainly He is no random regent.

Surely life is not really some random curriculum of chance!

Life is not random, it's rational. There is always cause, there is always effect.

Nothing can happen to a child of God that sneaks up on God, God is unaware of or God can't see. 'Random' is not in God's planning or vocab. There is nothing that is random about God delivering good to His own. God plans His acts of kindness, fully confident that His plans will NEVER be impeded.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Roms 8:28

I have never been a victim of chaos, but rather a beneficiary of cause.

Thankyou so very much that life is never out of your control. Help me to see that all kindnesses I receive are deliberate acts sent from you. AMEN