Soul Snack 8/31 ... His Work or Mine

He also says,

"In the beginning, O Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth,
and the heavens are the work of your hands." Hebs 1:10

Gusts of wind howl unhindered along this valley's corridor, gum trees purposely bending in the onslaught.

God is never silent, never still.

The darkened distant mountain range canopied under an ever moving shadow, stands silent but not motionless. Restless forests wave constantly to God, distant boughs tortured in this dusk gale. Nearby trees visibly assailed too.

Unnoticed snakes slither to declining patches of warmth, while wombats grow alert, preparing for an evening's forage.

Unaware and blissfully ignorant, the cattle graze. Rustic farm sheds (still vertical amidst bending boughs) stand as sentinels to a now forgotten past.

No tree nestled farmhouse, mud covered farmer or grass sewn field has ever eluded God's sight or his goodness. The visible signs so clear, the beauty so remarkable. Not even man's panorama scarring power lines detract from this uninterrupted beauty. This beauty defies language. This beauty confirms God.

To sit on a tree covered hillside speckled in various hues of green that command my attention will deliver an unassailable joy. I know life is complete, when I can stop and survey the handiwork of Him without giving thought to any handiwork of mine.