Soul Snack 8/188 ... Bonsai Believers - B

 Neither fame nor infamy are likely to be stressors to the mediocre. Mediocrity usually delivers little difficulty and is generally comfortable.

Mediocrity is safe. It causes no one to strive for excellence, reach for the stars or move towards the discomfort that achievement may deliver.

Yet, is mediocrity really safe?

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Rev 3:15-16

Jesus does not speak well of mediocre believers. (see also Mt 25) Jesus has harsh words for the unresponsive. His agony was not for my temporal leisure but for my new Lordship.

People without passion, void of spiritual energy, He will not honour.

The self-ignorance and the false eternal values of mediocrity Jesus condemns.

A believer short on Jesus may well become a believer short of Jesus.

A bonsai believer burdens our Lord. They neither hear His voice, nor welcome Him afresh. (v20)

Yet Jesus' call is to bonsai the mediocrity in my life, that I may seek to be the blessing to Him that He always is to me.