Soul Snack 8/18 ... Leaky Thoughts

'Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird of the air may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say.' Eccl 10:20

Fortunately, total privacy is the domain of the mind. (Or is there ever really total privacy, even in the mind?)

Reclining securely in the remoteness of her mind, she rather unhealthily mulled over the actions of others towards her, across her life span. The grace and the good will, mixed indiscriminantly with the betrayals and the burdens. She reflected on authority, its use and mis-use. She was even chastened by her own conduct. She dwelt on all.

Time was not her master now. Isolation her advantage. No interruption expected ,or even likely. The ticking clock and the gentle rolling seas, her only audible interventions. This mind flickered randomly between the bitter and the sweet. To dwell on the bitter is unhealthy, for surely that which is inside a man will come out of him. These thoughts unhealthy and very dangerous.

Even the privacy of the mind is not secure, for thoughts leak. (see Mt 12:35)

Leaky thoughts catalyse vulnerability. Poor thinking explodes into speech. Unrestrained thoughts can lead to unrestrained damage.

There is no damage to fear and no vulnerability to expose, when my thoughts always maintain spiritual health. Therefore, 'leaked thinking' will only ever be spoken well.

This 'bird on the wing' will only be able to deliver messages of well being and grace.