Soul Snack 8/137 ... Speaking Well

Annoying crackles reverberated through the audience. This poor microphone an appropriate metaphor for an equally annoying comedian. His witty barbs assailing those who caught his eyes. His ungracious contemporary reflections delivered as comedy, were more correctly vitriol.

Many in the restaurant that night sat restlessly feet shuffling, as they scanned the performance for a polite time to leave. Consumed in his own cleverness, he was oblivious to the responses before him.

The witty response, the clever repartee, the sharp tongue we too have all regretted.

The attempt to be funny can disintegrate in heartbeat to be foolishness.

The Bible advises much about speech:

  • even a fool can appear wise when he keeps his mouth closed (Prov 17:28)
  •  where there are many words, sin is not far away. (Prov 10:19)

God fully knows my words BEFORE I do, before they are formed on my lips. (Ps 139:4) That is SOLID GOLD, to the spirit led life!

It is so healthy to pray each day ..." Lord may your Spirit be on my lips, before my speech. May your wisdom precede my words this day." AMEN

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Eph 4:29