Soul Snack 8/134 ... Remember Promise!

Adorning my life with grace, or chilling my soul in fear, I know this is not all that there is:

The lonely day,
The endless night,
The cold reception,
The devastatingly lost friendship,
The constancy of pain,
The unassailed pursuit of self,
The distress of the spirit,
The exhaustion of work.

This is not all there is!

The poverty of the soul,
And the poverty of the purse,
The loss of well being,
The charring of dreams,
The broken heart,
The seared mind,
The absence of health,
The void of the inner person.

This is not all there is!

Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter,
       you will restore my life again;
       from the depths of the earth
       you will again bring me up. Ps 71:20

The petty jealousies,
The offense taken,
The hates delivered,
The love received,
The races won,
The words that sting,
The silence given,
The counsel received.

This is not all there is!

The accumulation of security,
The pleasantness of rest,
The joy oft repeated,
The affirmation still received,
The softness of the chair,
The thoughts of the wise,
The regularity of existence,
The whistling of the wind,

This is not all there is!

Remember him—before the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well,  and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Eccl 12:6-7