Maximum Disappointment
Soul Snack 8/17 ... Maximum Disappointment
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding. Proverbs 3:5
Across this clear desk two people soberly sat. They hardly knew each other. The only paper on this desk revealed solemn news that no one wanted to hear.
The discussion now concluded. All options had been very well canvassed. Silence the only place to retreat. As he rose their eyes met, re-engaging across the desk. An extended hand spelled goodwill, but the depth of the eyes spelled impotence. Without a word, the hand was shaken, a smile forced, as he turned silently, gently closing the surgery door behind him.
The recesses of his heart were torn. It was as if shrapnel had penetrated every fibre of his being. The seat of his emotions now truly collapsed. The wait for the lift was too long. The car was parked too faraway. The future too insecure.
His mind now wrestled relentlessly with his faith. Emotions assailed, his faith battered.
In the tiresome stroll to the car he recalled afresh that faith is all encompassing. It is for both the light and the dark times. It equips the holder to step into the unseen with hope. Faith is life's grader to make straight paths. Faith is for all of life.
There is no aspect of life where he is not invited to hold onto God's good eternal provision for him.He who has known him since before the womb still knows him.
A heart that trusts God completely at all times, knows that while it's falling down, He is still standing up.