The Place of Favour - A

SOUL SNACK 66 ... The Place of Favour -A

The human spirit never sleeps. It is eternal. An everlasting spirit will remember very well.

Nothing is forgotten. Whether elevated or crushed the human spirit records all. Whether honoured or dishonoured the human spirit is forever imprinted. In comfort and chastening the human spirit will remember:
  • ·fondly the dances of delight across a sun-drenched field, ·
  • the pain of strident commands from a graceless authority figure,
  • a darkness without sleep, in those deep and very empty canyons of the soul.
Regardless of whether blessing or burden is received, there definitely awaits the place of favour. Well being will arrive! The promise is sure, the guarantee is fixed, it yells at us across cosmic corridors:

“Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind…"Is 65:17.

Heaven ‘hollers' trust!

Copyright 06

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