Forced by Destiny

Destiny forces all men to face a future that can never be known until it is met.

Tomorrow is as insecure as yesterday is now past.

The New Year always appears with uncertainties, even lingering fears. Both thieve rest.

Is there ever a point that any New Year can be felt comfortably, without threat or anxiety?

How are you starting this year? Do you seek the new? Maybe there is the wistful casting of your eyes rearwards, to simpler, easier or healthier days?

Past seasons can no more be recaptured than youth may be recovered. 

Today must find its own peace.

It is foolish to seek the happiness of yesterdays, for this erodes today while whisking away the unknown joys of tomorrows. There is no progress in rearward steps. NOTE too - it is fear from the past that cripples the present and destroys the future.

The past is first to be released for the future to be gained.

Musician Carlos Santana penned with a surprising wisdom:

You learn that you can have fear or trust, but you cannot have both.

The good God of creation continues to create. He makes new years, new futures, pours new wine and introduces new people for all those who trump their fears and celebrate the new in faith.

The most convincing testimony about God's existence is often found in suffering people, who do not complain about their destiny but trust in God, even in the midst of pain they worship and honor God with gratitude. ~ Peter Barnes 

They sought God eagerly, and He was found by them. So the Lord gave them rest on every side. (2 Chronicles 15:15b) 

The Last Word:

Faith is fear that just keeps saying its prayers.