The Royal Arrival
Soul Snack 140/13 ... The Royal Arrival![ROYALbaby.jpg](/assets/images/soulsnacks/ROYALbaby__ResizedImageWzIwMCwxMTNd.jpg)
I missed the royal arrival, I was asleep. (WOOPS!)
Encompassed by a super-heated media a new heir to the British throne has arrived. This baby now rules the air-waves and may one day rule the residue of a once grand empire.
A 41 gun salute from London's Green Park and 62 cannon blasts from the Tower of London signalled this unnamed babe's entry.
A far larger, indeed world-changing Royal Arrival awaits.
Sure celebrate this British babe who could be king but worship now the Christmas babe who will return as King.
No hospital cots but heavenly clouds will usher the real King into this world again.
Amidst cosmic catastrophe His entry is to be heralded with a loud command, the voice of an archangel and the trumpet blast from God.
It may be next week, it may be next month or next century but unlike me yesterday, you (nor I) will miss this one - there will be no WOOPS!
Every knee shall then bow!
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Phil 2:10-11)
We may work with today on our minds but we must live with tomorrow on our hearts.
Today's Soul Snippet:
"Deeper trials produce richer fruit." ~ Hudson Taylor
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