Revealing the heart

Soul Snack 196/10 ... The Naked Heart

One day in the woods the unknown will soon become known to these carefree hikers.

Trekking with delight in their heart and health in their bodies, their spirits sing within, accompanied by the birds without.

Confontation is about to arrive. The days of highwaymen are so long gone, yet a new robbery will quickly greet them.

As they crest a small rise, this undulation reveals what will become so quickly daunting. They are most surprized that it has not been heard- a flood-swollen river rages impossibly across their pathway.

Given to retreat, this challenge flashes confrontation to their previous intentions. Neither walking on water nor walking in water seem to be available options. With little hesitation they turn to retrace their steps.

The inward search for courage fades parallel to their outward search for an answer. They return.

In the woods they found their character (or lack thereof), in the woods their flagging heart was revealed.

It is only in life's challenges a man's heart is laid bare for in comfort nothing within a man needs to be called upon.

Hmm ... is the greatest challenge for western Christianity comfort? Does maintaining comfort indicate the depth of commitment?

Surely the highest achievements in life are not found in where I am, but where I am willing to go!

In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple. (Lk 14:33)

Enjoy another Soul Snack Unknown Object