Righteousness - the plumb line!

Of many books there is no end, and much study wearies the soul. (Ecclesiastes 12:12b)

Muddling through scores of tomes, debating their 'food', can yield less clarity than an open Bible simply on a lap. This is the Babylonian educational practice of the Christian community everywhere. (AND ... where there is Babylon there is always confusion.)

The outcome of Christian academic pursuits has become wearisome, because:

it has placed its pursuits into men's systematic 'theologies', rather than 'righteousness' and 'virtue'.

The study of 'theology' has become the arbiter of Christian truth, when it cannot be guarantor of Christian truth. 

The Tree of Knowledge has trained Jesus' disciples to measure Biblical doctrine in terms of 'good' or 'bad' theology. His Word teaches the disciple to gauge life and all its vagaries by the plumb line of righteousness.

I will make justice My measuring line, and righteousness the plumb-line... (Isaiah 28:17a)

Below are three provocative Christian branches:

  1. The Tree of Knowledge has taught Christians to replace the teaching and healing breath of the Holy Spirit with theology. The Tree of Knowledge still teaches Christians to distrust that which is experiential, spiritual, supernatural or unable to be measured. A.W.Tozer penned a very helpful response - a man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.
  2. The Tree of Knowledge has conducted a masterful stroke, a handsome deceit (don't forget - deceit is its true skill) within all streams of Christianity. It has replaced the Holy Spirit of Jesus the Christ, the Spirit of Truth and bowed to a pretentious Christian theology as the only arbiter and revealer of truth. Theology has become a regent when it should be a servant.
  3. The measure of the Christian scholar's kingdom is theology, but the measure of Jesus' kingdom is righteousness. 

The Last Word:

'The quest for holiness is always bound up with the quest for righteousness, and vice-versa.'