Righteousness - a pure fountain

From the very beginning of His ministry Jesus nailed His colors to the mast. In conversation with His cousin John the Baptist re His baptism Jesus explained ... Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented. (Matthew 3:15)

So, to mimic Jesus what does fulfilling righteousness look like?

Righteousness is a pure fountain that bubbles within a disciple's life. It is shown when:

  • good is divided from evil, resisting the fruitless deeds of darkness and exposing them (Ephesians 5:11)
  • evil finds no lodgings
  • the Bible is honored, read and agreed with, without exception
  • mercy triumphs over judgement
  • grace triumphs over self-interest
  • a willing selfless spirit becomes constantly present
  • temptation is avoided, and any treaties made with sin are torn up. (Sometimes we don't even realise these treaties - e.g. the holding on to bitterness, unforgiveness or trust in money)
  • peace is victorious over strife,
  • behavior and speech marries the Lord's truths, and
  • only a seeker of God's glory. Humility has won.

When the disciple speaks/lives in righteousness they too point to the coming judgement, it is in righteousness the Lord divides the holy from the common, those who are prepared and those not.

The Last Word:

It is only when the light of righteousness shines the true darkness of sin is revealed.