Reaching for a Miracle?
Impossibly dead, Lazarus lay in a cave and Jesus ached...
Impossibly bleeding for twelve years a crushed woman dared to reach through a crowd to Jesus...
Impossibly the eyes of a man born blind were patched under a spit and dirt laden poultice, then Jesus told him to go for a swim...
Impossibly Hannah pleaded from a heart-torn lament with the Lord to remove her barrenness (for 19 years one tradition suggests)...
Faith is tested in despair's crucible - when mankind is at his extremity. ~ Michael Cartwright
There is no human extremity beyond a man's faith, nor Jesus' ability to reach it.
Jesus replied, what is impossible for man is possible for God. (Luke 18:27)
Men still rise from the dead, bleeding still ceases, eyes are still opened and the childless still bear children, because:
miracles have never been consigned to history as God does not change.
Impossible hopelessness remains the rich soils for miracles still to appear. ~ Michael Cartwright
Today's Soul Snippet:
'Where there is true love, faithfulness is its companion.' ~ Michael Cartwright