Plunging into Prayer
Strolling in shallow water is far easier than struggling neck deep. But when you dive in the effort fades and the view can be amazing.
So too life's walks are lived at various levels of difficulty. There is both a richness and adventure found in the depths that are not present in the shallows.
Faith mirrors life.
Deeper faith discerns the emptiness of mere shallows and plunges in for more. It prays accordingly.
The prayers of the human spirit and not just their flesh:
- prepare to and then praise Heaven
- seek His kingdom and their King, resisting self
- measure their pulse of spiritual life
- are a cleansing challenge to indulgent distractions
- swoop into the things of the Holy Spirit, the hunting of unsearchable things
- remembers the struggles of others and
- are the mirrors to the soul - aware of its thirsts, distresses and pleasures.
‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3)
The prayers of the heart seek to unleash the powers of heaven, not merely have a chat with them.
Today's Soul Snippet:
No form of selfishness is so deeply and dangerously sinful as that which glories in being a man of prayer. ~ A.W. Tozer
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