The Heavens are Awake
The church is to be God's early warning system. ~ Alistair Petrie
The New Ark is yet to appreciate its God given charge.
In a world that is in flood we are the ark; we are the testimony of a safe place to a world that is drowning. We are the place of protection to His world. And, His Word is mankind's protection against deception. ~ Michael Cartwright
The earth's unattended problem with sin awakens the heavens.
Where there is no fear of God wisdom is slain. Where there is no righteousness evil is unseen. There is no measuring line.
The church needs to be an alternative to the world. It cannot be in concert with the world. The church is to be a place that people can choose to go that is safe. Because, of its differences and not of its agreements.
When sin is given permission, hostility is too. Whatever we are obedient to in our love, we actually begin to worship. ~ Alistair Petrie
The New Ark does not perceive its rampant inability to distinguish good from evil. No wonder the latest divisive moral confusion enters through the cathedral gates. It obeys the contemporary 'soft sell' of agendas.
It was in righteous purity Noah was rescued. It will be in purity and righteousness alone that men will see rescue. Meanwhile wisdom and truth float by as vapor.
God has not removed Himself from the affairs of humanity. His plans are as much rescue as it is judgement.
ENJOY the remainder of the The New Ark series: