Meat for men
Soul Snack 195/10 ... True Praying#
There is no field more unexplored in Christian experience and possibility than this limitless field of prayer.
Prayer means care for souls.
Prayer means pain.
Prayer means privacy, for often the battle is waged alone.
Prayer means power.
Prayer, Luther said, means “sweat on the soul."
Prayer means filling in the sufferings of Christ.
We cannot shoot fire-belching jet planes with sling shots, nor repulse tanks with bottles; less still can we push back the powers of darkness with mere words.
Jude talks of praying “in the Holy Ghost." This praying alone can bring to pass the purpose of a holy God and put to flight the army of alien powers. This praying is no toy soldier's game. This is realism. This is a fight to the death — no parley with the enemy — no truce — no terms — a fight to the death!
But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. (Jude 20)
*(I have added the Biblical reference and some setting out, otherwise this Snack is an excerpt from a book called "Meat for Men" and is a direct copy with permission from LEONARD RAVENHILL)