Longing for Jesus
... He knows the way that I take; where He has tested me, I will come forth as gold. (Job 23:10)
Jesus asks/tests us to subdue the flesh. Our flesh screams back at us, then again He gets sidelined. Jesus does not abandon us, so He invites again.
At our appointed time for meeting Jesus we will realize that every step of faith, every shred of suffering, every sleepless dawn and every despair of body and soul - will be vindicated.
It is only then our heart shall grasp the value of His life-maps drawn up for us by Heaven.
It is only then we will know that the destination was worth every step of difficulty, every furnace we were thrown into and every arrow that pierced us upon this way called 'life'. Tears may well in our eyes, maybe flood our cheeks as we fall flat on our face. It is then we will see His nail-pierced feet and hear His approvals longed for:
... well done good and faithful servant ... (Matthew 25:21)
There are no more important words to hear in all eternity.
I am utterly convinced that Christ's grace remains THAT refuge to deliver each believer every day, until they meet Him or Him them.
... the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. (Mark 13:13)
His grace is ALWAYS stronger than we are.