Love's Record

How does love conquer time?

How is love recorded beyond any man's mortal coil?

A life is captured for the next generation/s by its legacies.

Different seasons inevitably lead to the deposits of various legacies.

Each season requires to be sown well.

I can find no scales that better weighs a legacy than righteous love.

The greater the good love the stronger and purer the legacy.

Righteousness sows to love, for it is love's pure foundation. (But note, sowing to love does not promise righteousness.)

The strength of a legacy is recognized by its deposits of love. 

People do not remember what you did for them, but rather how you made them feel.

Love is not calculated by the estate size or by church pews filled at funerals. It is captured by photo albums imprinted upon hearts - for these are love's records. 

Love is patient, love is kind ... it keeps no record of wrongs ... it always protects, always hopes, always perseveres. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

The Last Word:

All things in life must end - the good things and the bad things. The disciple arrives where bad things no longer start and good things no longer end. What they leave are the photo albums of their heart.