Lend Me Your Hope
The borrowing of hope is a mind-stretching thought, yet to a soul awash in hopelessness it can be a morsel to a restored future.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick...
Hope that is lost turns the heart to a wasteland... BUT
Hope that is cried for Heaven will share...
Lend me your hope for a while,
I seem to have mislaid mine.
Lost and hopeless feelings accompany me daily,
pain and confusion are my companions.
I know not where to turn.
Looking ahead to future times
does not bring forth images of renewed hope.
I see troubled times,
pain-filled days,
and more tragedy.
Lend me your hope for a while,
I seem to have mislaid mine.
Hold my hand and hug me;
listen to all my ramblings,
recovery seems so far distant.
The road to healing
seems like a long and lonely one.
Lend me your hope for a while,
I seem to have mislaid mine.
Stand by me,
offer me your presence,
your heart and your love.
Acknowledge my pain,
it is so real and ever present.
I am overwhelmed
with sad and conflicting thoughts.
Lend me your hope for a while,
I seem to have mislaid mine.
A time will come when I will heal,
and I will share my renewal,
hope and love with others.
But today - lend me your hope for a while,
I seem to have mislaid mine.
~ anonymous#
Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. (Psalm 62:5)
I wonder if the good Lord would invite you to:
lend Me your eyes for I can change what you see. ~ anonymous
Today's Soul Snippet:
'Jesus takes to heart the suffering of His friends'. ~ William Hendriksen
#SoulSupply light edits to the original text
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