Signed by God

Soul Snack 200/11 ... Signed by God

Father, most of the time

I don't consider myself

much of a prize.

You know that

most of the time

I don't think of myself

as one of your

works of art.

But last night

you said to me,

"You are indeed

the work of my hands."


Artists don't always

sign their work,

I know;


and drafts

and those works

that don't please them,

if not destroyed,

are simply left



But you thought enough

of your work of art -

ME -

to emblazon me with your signature.


Father, I may never think

of myself

as a masterpiece.

But thank you

for signing me


and forever

with the gift

of your own Spirit ~ Amen#

 ... My Father will honor the one who serves Me. (John 12: 26c)

Today's Soul Snippet:

The God who sings in the heavens also sings in my heart.

# This prayer was written by Sue Garmon and reprinted in Souvenirs of Solitude p130-131 ~ Brennan Manning. Pub = NavPress, Colorado Springs 2009