Soul Snack 5/14 ... SpreadingJOY 
Have you ever been humbled by another's New Year resolutions?
I was humbled when I read the following. Normally New Year's resolutions revolve around improvement for the well-being of self, SO enJOY the fresh air of these JOYful resolutions.
From heaven the Lord looks down ... He who forms the hearts of all ... considers everything they do. (Ps 33:13-15)
We all waltz into the New Year thinking of new things to accomplish during the year ~
I resolve to enjoy the success of others
I resolve to encourage those around me to keep pursuing their passion
I resolve to treat others the way I want to be treated, no wait - BETTER than I want to be treated
I resolve to use my strengths without worry that my weaknesses may not hinder
I resolve to be kind to those who are the meanest
I resolve to hug freely
I resolve to change what I can and find the good in what I can't
I resolve to say thank you to someone daily
I resolve to be a positive force
I resolve to let those in my world know just how important they truly are
I resolve to love, and
I resolve to celebrate the good, forgive the bad and enjoy the moment.#
Today's Soul Snippet:
Righteousness will always prevail, evil cannot defeat righteousness.
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#Today's SoulSnack has graciously been supplied by Marie Wikle of SpreadingJOY corporation. Read the full text here.