6 Top Biblical tips for Fundraising
Soul Snack 215/12 ... 6 Top Fundraising Tips
Do you have a dream, have you fallen for a calling or been captured by a noble heart to work in God's Kingdom for His honor?
Has the dream, the calling or the nobility little cash despite the projects demands - if it is of the Lord and not sourced in a carnal heart then faith is why you begin, faith is how you build and faith will take you to a next season. Faith is always the appeal of heaven that releases from the ways of earth. Deep faith will seed deep provision.
These Biblical principles are what faith looks like for those who wish to walk on water to heaven's outstretched arms:
Tip 1 - The ministry is to generate its own support. (Lk 8:1-3)
Tip 2 - God's servant seeks to support himself and pay the costs of his call. (Acts 18:1-4)
Tip 3 - Avoid debt for ministry. (Rms 13:8)
Tip 4 - Eyes of faith will always see past a heart fear. (2 Cor 5:7)
Tip 5 - Where God guides, God provides. (Neh 2:8c)
Tip 6 - Prayer precedes pennies. (Matt 7:7)
Remember ~ "Trying to monetize a dream will kill it right away." - Gary Barkalow
Remember ~ "God pays for what He orders." - anon
Remember ~ "They who trust Him wholly, find Him to be wholly true." - Hudson Taylor
As with almost all arenas in life Christianity is counter-cultural, money being one of the most glaring opposites. God's call, His implanted vision and desires were not to raise money - look after His business while He looks after yours.
“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." (Matt 6:24)
Today's Soul Snippet:
Greed is the aphrodisiac of the masses, promising but not delivering while also inviting then biting.
Making Sense of Money in 4 parts