Grasped Grace
Soul Snack 195/11 ... Grasped Grace
Lord, the nicest thing about you
is that you always
think better of us
than we think of oursleves.
That you always
have more confidence in us
than we have in ourselves.
That you always find us more attractive
than we find ourselves.
That you always know us better than we know ourselves.
That you always
forgive us
before we can forgive ourselves.
That you always accept us before we can ever accept ourselves.
That you always
love us more
than we can ever love ourselves.
Thank you Lord,
for being you. #
... He first loved us (1 John 4:18b)
Today's Soul Snippet:
Love is looking into another's heart and seeing their soul.
# This prayer was written by Sue Garmon and reprinted in Souvenirs of Solitude p103 ~ Brennan Manning. Pub = NavPress, Colorado Springs 2009