Walking His line

I didn't ask for Jesus, but He asked for me. What a joy! Unrequested and invisible.

As my years daily 'scream' down my corridor of time I am ever confirmed of Jesus' faithfulness to me. Never has He taken time off from me, there are no gaps. This is as sure as my mortal coil bounces ever closer to that day of appointment.

Honor anoints the steadfast. Jesus is worthy of all honor. He steadfastly holds my forgiveness. Jesus does not weaken. He is loyal to those who reciprocate.

Firm in His forgiveness Jesus refuses to hold my sins against me, so, neither should I. But, to those who believe in hyper-grace forgiveness is not a license to continue sin.

We died to sin, how can we live in it any longer? (Romans 6:2)

Jesus is as worthy of honor as I must live with Him in purity and humility. Of this I am determined.

You are worthy, our Lord to receive glory and honor and power... (Revelation 4:11a)

The Last Word:

I rise with Jesus when I have died with Jesus.