High performance hearts
The human heart is a high-performance powerhouse, designed to beat billions of times during a lifetime, remain disease-free and provide the spark for human activities both conscious and unconscious. ~ Dr Phil Maffetone
The heart is the engine room for the soul. And, high performance motors require high performance fuel.
God has placed the highest of value on what I permit in my own engine, my wellspring for life.
Biblically there is an undeniable and consistent witness to the priority of my heart, in the 'fight' of our earthly sojourn. What is in my heart will inevitably pour out. God's sub-text is to be aware of the simplicity to ingest pollutants.
If we pollute that wellspring, the infection will spread; before long hidden appetites will become open sins and public shame. ~ Warren Wiersbe
Receiving grace, losing pride, resisting bitterness, absence of grumbling, the living in goodwill, offering an unrequested forgiveness, the gentle apology, 'protecting' my eyes (and so much more) all contribute very well to my high performing guarded heart.
The Last Word:
... above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of your life. (Proverbs 4:23)