Heaven's helpers!
Soul Snack 9/229 ... God's Posties
"Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel's hand." Rev 8:3-4
Capture this scene, a workplace like no other, extravagant beyond imagination. Golden censers and golden altars before a rainbow encircled (Rev 4:3), eternal throne. Here resides no remote heavenly regent. Picture angels, forearms willingly extended upwards, caressing the very air of heaven.
There are no absent abilities here as my prayers and angels' incense are deliberately mixed. Incense the final vehicle of prayer. Angels the deliverers. The intention so clear, my prayers must reach the throne of grace. Imagine countless prayers, both feeding and tearing at the Father's heart.
This Father is so wonderfully positioned to hear me. He has equipped His cosmos with an infallible, ethereal postal system. Delivery is assured! This Father is always fully informed about me. He even wants to be! My prayers are literally in the hands of His posties, His angels.
Reflect please:
all my daily prayers always reach His throne,
they are mixed with other things that are too pleasing to God,
there is permanent and perfect supernatural assistance for their delivery and
God's Post office guarantees delivery, as He will have none lost or hindered.