Oracles for a new century
Sages are men of an unusual wisdom, gifted and necessary oracles for their time.
The Christian 'oracle' our Lord calls - prophets. They are equipped by Him as divine seers. The Lord's ageing Bride with empty caverns demands prophets yet again to see this day and speak resurrection into her dry bones.
"Prophets are God's emergency men for crisis hours." ~ Leonard Ravenhill
God forges prophets in the wilderness, for it is His anvil to make them strong. Such men walk upon burning coals and wear the mantle of sackcloth, yet speak not of hardship. Their conversations are confined to how the Lord speaks, and not self-promotions. Little wonder prophets gain small favor with Christian men.
They reside in the hidden closet of devotion and refuse to love the things of this world. They envy obscurity, laying hold of it with both hands.
Prophets withhold naught from Heaven that the Lord could gain mastery of their souls.
These men live faith of a deeper ilk, and are cut sharply from a finer cloth.
Boldness not pride is their confidence.
Fighting not fleeing is their character.
Discerning are a prophet's eyes, careful is his mind and deliberate is his speech. They bequeath a legacy, and plant trees that bear much fruit until the Lord returns. Two such recent men:
Leonard Ravenhill, 1907-1994:
The greatest benefactor of this generation will be the person who brings down on this strutting but stricken Protestantism the inestimable power of the Lord. The promise still stands: "The people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits." If any of us knows God, 'then watch out Lucifer!'#
Aiden Wilson Tozer, 1897-1963:
Let me go out on a limb a little bit and prophesy. I see the time coming when all the holy men whose eyes have been opened by the Holy Spirit will desert worldly Evangelicalism, one by one. The house will be left desolate and there will not be a man of God, a man in whom the Holy Spirit dwells among them.##
Who would share with Ravenhill or Tozer, and in great earnestness respond as they surely did to God's instruction?
Follow the way of love and eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. (1 Corinthians 14:1)
The path to become God's most needed man, is travelled unseen and zealously upon the knees.
#Leonard Ravenhill, Why Revival Tarries (Michigan: Bethany House Publishers,1959) 74
## Michael Cartwright, Great Mercy (Bloomington In: WestBow Press, 2013) 47