God's airstrip!
Soul Snack 9/212 ... Hangars for God!
An intensive familiarity is the start of heaven's yearning for me.
A tortured God cried and died for a familiarity that exceeds all disengaging ritual, as He bellowed forgiveness into the blackest daytime.
Yet heaven still seems so far away! God still appears so distant and I just appear so totally insignificant. Yet, none of this is true.
Flowing down the banks of the mighty Amazon, crushing the rock shores of Newfoundland or sweeping across Australia's golden sands are the life giving waters of this earth.
Yet the life this water offers remains shallow and most impermanent.
There is a water that offers so much more depth and a permanence that is out of this world.
There is no relationship deeper, no familiarity more intense than when two become one.
As Jesus ascended to heaven, His spirit descended to earth. I imagine them passing each other with an energetic wave and a warm smile on that cosmic stairway.
The landing strip for the Spirit's descent was you and I.
We have become the 'hangars for the divine', for we are where He is parked.
It is in us He chooses to dwell. It is with Him that two have become one. It is from us He will flow.