God @ Wine & Cheese Tastings
In the beginning God created man in His image and saw that this was very good. He was very well pleased.
In the beginning God walked with man and they were both good friends. They both held perfect company.
In the beginning God showed man how to live, how to never become hurt. Both were safe.
Soon after this flawless beginning man rebelled - he had heard God's voice, but he chose to not listen.
He lost Eden, and thus God's presence.
Then man had a space in his life, a gap he could not fill.
So man created a god in his own image, and he saw that his new god was better than the old one - more politically correct and socially acceptable.
He could even chat with an accepting welcome about his new god at wine and cheese tastings.
And then the time eventually came, the true God said, "begone you workers of lawlessness and fashioners of idols - I never knew you."
But man could not hear God anymore - because he'd already moved somewhere else, too far away.
For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened ... they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! (Romans 1:21 & 25)
And so we wait persistently for the Lord.#
Today's Soul Snippet:
'The answer to temptation is devotion.' ~ Michael Cartwright
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#Today's SoulSnack was kindly supplied by Dr Stuart Quarmby. (It contains some light SoulSupply edits.)