I did it my way ... is the eulogy of the lost.
Proud men sing songs, while humble men bend knees. God is close to the humble to help them.
Growing weary in your battles, maybe its those personal battles with the Lord?
Have the good and perfect claims of righteousness tired your soul in a world judged as wicked?
Each man's battles bear knives within. These can't be shared outside the prayer closet of the mind.
Yet for those who are drawn near by Jesus He will fortify them. Whether they are a 'youngish' Joshua, a young Solomon or an elderly Moses, they WILL BE strengthened.
Hold to His eternal words for aren't they more reviving than breath itself?
When Jesus takes your hand He gives you a greater, yet humbling power with Him. His is no arm of mere flesh.
Be strong and courageous, for how often does God remove shackles in the furnaces of affliction?
Tribulation is the door to triumph. Because, we wrestle the crowns from the giants we conquer. (anon)
So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off your troubles ... (Ecclesiastes 11:10)
Today's Soul Snippet:
'Life is a battleground, not a playground.' ~ Michael Cartwright