6 Famous Last Words

How would you sum-up this year now past?

An ending invites an assessment, a steady gaze over the shoulder.

As 2024 nears its end, it seems pertinent to consider some notables whose years are now spent: 

Queen Elizabeth 1 ~ All my possessions for a moment of time.

Oscar Wilde ~ This wallpaper is appalling, one of us will have to go.

George Harrison ~ All in life can wait, but the search for God cannot.

Bob Marley ~ Money can't buy life.

Rene Rivkin ~ He who dies with the most wins.

John Knox ~ Live in Christ, die in Christ and the flesh need not fear death.

The Four Gospels record in a total of seven sayings of Jesus on the Cross, His final words at death. Could the most torturous words He spoke be - forgive them Father for they know not what they do? (Luke 23:24)

The Last Word:

Are our final words the best window into the heart?