Exiled by Virtue ~ Hardship authenticates faith

Think like Jesus. He is pure.

.... since Christ suffered in His body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. (1 Peter 4:1-2)

The expectation is strong that suffering arrives for we are exiles, strangers only travelling through. Remember - the difficulty of the journey does not define the quality of the destination.   

Suffering can be caused by sin, faith exercised or simply accident. But the wise Christian will audit pain, prayerfully seeking a moral take-away. The world cannot do this.

God gave Adam choice. The Two Trees of Eden (Gen 2:15-17) offered choice. There must be opportunity for unfaithfulness to prove faithfulness. Without an alternative there can be no choice.

Hardship tests faithfulness.

Faithfulness is not known unless it is shown. 

When you suffer, whatever the nature of it refuse to shake your fists at heaven and then flee, but rather let it forge your faith. Does not iron ore become steel under enormous heat, and diamonds become diamonds under intense pressure that endures?

Thus while 'we are on the green side of the grass' refuse longing for human desires, replace them with God's pure will.

The Last Word: 

The purpose Jesus has for you may invite hatred (or worse) into your life, but keep doing good anyway. Act like Jesus, He is virtuous.

ENJOY - Exiled by Virtue ~ Sufferers not Sinners