Deep Debt!

Soul Snack 9/198 ... Stealing Jesus - D

Robbery of my faith begins when I fail any longer to see my deep sinfulnesss. This can become especially tragic in long standing Christians, now comfortable in their faith and secure in their redeemed sinlessness.

This debt of forgiveness is far beyond repayment, it is secured in eternity and still costs the same today. Across two millenia it has suffered no deflation, inflation or recovery from recession. This cost is still my all for His all.

Such a debt is not cheap nor is it easily satisfied. It was not for Jesus, nor is it for me - but, it does completely and wonderfully release me from the bullying of my own self-will.

Surely awareness of my sin can only draw me closer to the throne of grace!

My debt is always far deeper than the knowledge of my sin.

How indelibly deep is my debt to Jesus - how unknowably deep is Jesus devotion to me!

" But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ .. ." Phil 3:7-8

"It is not death to die!" ... Hudson Taylor

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