Claiming my inheritance

Smith Wigglesworth was aptly described as 'an apostle of faith.' This British plumber, raised in poverty, simply counselled - ONLY BELIEVE! He is quoted saying -- I am not moved by what I see or hear; I am moved by what I believe.   

And Abraham believed in the Lord, and He counted it to him as righteousness. (Genesis 15:6)  

Wigglesworth penned the prayer below.

May God give me faith that will bring His glorious inheritance of faith into my heart:

for it is true that the just shall live by faith.

May the Lord reveal to me the fullness of the truth that He gave to Abraham.

Credit to me righteousness by faith, O God.

Even as You did with Abraham,

That I might receive the inheritance of faith,

So as to be blessed and become a blessing to others.

My faith rests in nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. Amen

The Last Word:

While I know that prayer is wonderful, and not only changes things but changes you ... yet I tell you ... that faith is the greatest inheritance of all.

ENJOY too - The Wonder of Heaven by Smith Wigglesworth