Chewing on Bushels of Knowledge

God gave names to only two trees in the garden of Eden. He instructed Adam very carefully to only eat of one.

Both trees offered good fruit, but the fruit of only one could turn rotten.

Both trees offered a delight to the eyes, but only one could send you blind.

Both trees will shape Christians, but only one is always true and does not kill.

Understand the plague of the second tree, and how it strikes at the fruit from the first tree. Sadly all Christians are still formed by the Tree of Knowledge, its methodologies and evils.


  1. Righteousness and justice are roots of the Tree of Life; pride and thus rebellion are the very roots of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.
  2. The Tree of Life forms Christians into oaks of righteousness; the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil fashions Christians by its proud theologies, making knowledge feel like virtue. (Italics from Richard Rohr)

They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor. (Isaiah 61:3b)

We ate bushels of knowledge of good and evil, trying to decide who was good and who was bad... this unfortunately refined and even created the very judgemental mind that Jesus strictly warned us against. ~ Richard Rohr

Today's Soul Snippet:

'If we do not give up the right to understand, we will seldom experience that peace that passes all understanding.' ~ Bill Johnson

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