Cheating Calvary!

SOUL SNACK 9/167 ... The Gift of Gethsemane!

The Jesus of my journey is the crucified one. The signature at the bottom of my page, life's page, is a cross.

I am unable to imagine a life verbally dedicated to my redeemer that lives in consistent opposition to His words.

The God of Golgotha claims no mere adherence or fleeting fellowship.

Splashed indelibly across my pages of life are the ruddy hues of Calvary. Written in red ink are the deep and life-giving claims of calvary, that brook no rival and accept no acquiescence. His cries bellow down the eternal corridors of the cosmos for unshakeably strong and consistent discipleship to challenge all odds.

The Gift from Gethsemane that led to Calvary was not for any contemporary 'easy -believism'. Jesus knew of no 'K-Mart' Christianity. There I simply choose from the shelves what I want, leaving the unwanted behind. Christianity was never to be some easy listening erudite sermon prepared from pages of a text book and not the pages of life.

The Gift of Gethsemane legitimately claims my body, my soul and my all.

Anything less than soul searching devotion and life giving living is simply cheating Calvary of me!

In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple. Lk 14:33

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