Category: Masters of Faith

Treasuring Your Soul#

Treasuring Your Soul#

Jesus bore the pain of the world. He lit mankind up to new directions. Bishop J. C. Ryle reflected on a new direction that is now 2000 years old.

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Wisdom, Grace & Fear ~ Spurgeon

Wisdom, Grace & Fear ~ Spurgeon

An ancient Roman sage, Quintilian, said of some in his time that they might have become excellent scholars had they not been so persuaded of their scholarship already.

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Toward Insight

Toward Insight

Humans are as frail as the world is fleeting. Almost all live unaware, yet 'eternity' is splashed across mankind's DNA.

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Stepping into the mist#

Stepping into the mist#

We sometimes forget that what God takes from us, He takes with fire. (Consider Jacob at the Jabbok, or Lot and family fleeing Sodom for instance.

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The Worst Temptation?#

The Worst Temptation?#

More the treacherous calm I dread, than tempests rolling overhead. Many horses fall at the bottom of the hill because the driver thinks the danger is past.

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SoulSupply has regularly championed the benefit of learning from Christian heroes. You may recall names such as: Brennan Manning A. W. Tozer Hudson Taylor and many more.

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When Beauty is Hidden#

When Beauty is Hidden#

Most of us are awkward at times in doing even our most loving deeds. We must learn to be patient, therefore, with people's awkwardness and clumsiness towards us.

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Risky Dreamers - THE PURITANS


AN INTRODUCTION: The Puritan Movement was a Christian religious phenomenon of the 16th and 17th centuries. The Puritans are associated with a rigorous moral and spiritual Christianity.

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The Fabric of Faith

The Fabric of Faith

As faith continues to speak, God continues to give.  - A. B. Simpson God has spoken and in harmony with our faith it shall be done.

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The Most Famous American Sermon

The Most Famous American Sermon

The year was 1741, with a striking absence of emotion the guest preacher - Pastor Jonathon Edwards rattled the hearts of those seated before him. The results were profound.

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Treasured Grace#

Treasured Grace#

Nails and the crown of thorns are a clear reality that screams G. R. A. C. E. They are best held close to the trusting heart.

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SUCCESS ... stitched up!

SUCCESS ... stitched up!

  'To laugh often and much: to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false...

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The Storms We Cause

The Storms We Cause

How often does a man discover troubling self-truths only while he is sinking in a stormy sea? Then as the sea calms he pens his lessons.

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Manning Re-Sets Church

Manning Re-Sets Church

  There maybe pearly gates to heaven, but does the contemporary church truly live behind rose colored glasses? Brennan Manning was buried in 2013 as an elderly man.

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Washington & Tozer

Washington & Tozer

Tozer always remained strident upon the subjects of virtue and honor. Here he too explained how George Washington lived as a purifying 'yeast'.

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Let Every Mercy Come#

Let Every Mercy Come#

The cross of Jesus is the foundation of the glory of the saints. Calvary is the birth-place for saints in heaven. Salvation was born in Bethlehem's manger.

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Jesus Offers Relationship

Jesus Offers Relationship

How much of the weekly Sunday processional is massaging a conscience rather than a lifting up of holy hands in prayer? Religious habits can deceive the possessor as few things can...

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8 Top C.T. Studd Quotes

8 Top C.T. Studd Quotes

Charles Thomas Studd (1860-1931) joined the China Inland Mission as part of a remarkable band of recruits, called The Cambridge Seven.

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8 Top Hudson Taylor Quotes

8 Top Hudson Taylor Quotes

Was Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) truly a man after Jesus' own heart, seeking only His Lord's interests first? At 21 sailed from England on a slow boat to China.

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A Tale of the Foolish Drunk

A Tale of the Foolish Drunk

Rev. Charles Spurgeon (1834 - 1892) taught this brief tale: Be not like the foolish drunkard who, staggering home one night, saw his candle lit for him.

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Prayer's Hardest Challenge

Prayer's Hardest Challenge

Is not the greatest witness against prayer a continued and persistent heavenly silence? Charles Spurgeon understood full well those times when God tarries at our pleas for mercy: In the days of...

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A Man of Spiritual Altitude

A Man of Spiritual Altitude

Aiden Tozer aptly sub-titled his biography of A. B. Simpson - A STUDY IN SPIRITUAL ALTITUDE. Tozer painted Alexander Benjamin Simpson as a weakling become mighty.

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Under New Management

Under New Management

Aiden Wilson Tozer was a larger than life twentieth century prophet, who wore the mantle and knew the sackcloth and ashes.

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Credible Christianity

Credible Christianity

Three surprising characters of a very sharp mind are each etched in history. They heralded Christian truth to their world yesterday, and ours still today.

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When Radical should be Normal

When Radical should be Normal

Two favorite giants of the Christian faith hold their ideals high: I am no longer anxious about anything, as I realize the Lord is able to carry out His will, and...

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9 Soul Snares from Tozer

9 Soul Snares from Tozer

Aiden Wilson Tozer (1897-1963) was not a man backward in coming forward. He would retire to the Lord's presence but never retire from a challenge to the church.

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There Are Not Two Christs#

There Are Not Two Christs#

A Christian's soul battles his heart. His soul suggests righteousness while his heart stresses indulgence. Hudson Taylor held tightly to his soul's suggestions.

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How to Measure the Impossible

How to Measure the Impossible

The wrestle with ambition. . . the visible inadequacy of supplies. . . or the fears of absent skills have long hindered the divine call landing upon human ears.

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C.S. Lewis Ponders 'Praise'

C.S. Lewis Ponders 'Praise'

I had never noticed that all enjoyment spontaneously overflows into praise unless shyness or the fear of boring others is deliberately brought in to check it.

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Double Deep Tozer#

Double Deep Tozer#

Various Christian writers stand tall at the test of time. Brennan Manning is one I suspect shall survive as well as Aiden Wilson Tozer who already has.

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5 Garments of Ravenhill's Faith

5 Garments of Ravenhill's Faith

The stirring of faith is the mixing of my soul with those more earnest and faithfully stubborn than I. British born Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994) was such a man.

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9 Facts Heroes of Faith Know

9 Facts Heroes of Faith Know

Heroes of faith ROCK! As regular readers know, my enduring (YEP - until I hand my knife and fork in) super-hero remains Hudson Taylor of China Inland Mission fame.

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The Hydra of Pride ~ C.S. Lewis

The Hydra of Pride ~ C.S. Lewis

In a very personal letter last century C. S Lewis reflected: During my afternoon meditations I have found out ludicrous and terrible things about my own character.

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The Hunt for Heroes#

The Hunt for Heroes#

Christians and the world alike are in the hunt for heroes. It is the outward expression of God's implanted nature within each soul to worship.

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Sweet Stillness

Sweet Stillness

Albert Benjamin Simpson (1843-1919) is silent within Christendom today, but this has not always been his way.

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The Fields of Prayer

The Fields of Prayer

Soul Snack 157/14 . . . There is no field more unexplored in Christian experience and possibility than this limitless field of prayer. Prayer means care for souls.

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The Forever Focus

The Forever Focus

Soul Snack 135/14 . . . Charles Spurgeon entered glory on January 31st, 1892. He still sings beyond the grave, and preaches past his headstone.

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FACING OFF with Spurgeon!

FACING OFF with Spurgeon!

Soul Snack 46/14 . . . Who is the faith imposter? What a fearsome thought! Rattling through my brain are two real faith samples, I just can't shake off.

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Kaizen Christians


Soul Snack 4/14 . . . Kaizen Christians I am advised (by those far more learned than I) that the Japanese esteem an axiom named ~ kaizen.

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Spurgeon & Closets


Soul Snack 109/13 . . . Spurgeon on Closets. “There are times when solitude is better than society, and silence is wiser than speech.

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Solid-Gold Spurgeon


‎Soul Snack 196/12 . . . Solid Gold Spurgeon "I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness. " (Is 41:10) Fear of falling is wholesome.

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