We have all, at various times. given shelter in our heart to what we condemn in others. This is called 'shadow boxing'.
We have all, at various times. given shelter in our heart to what we condemn in others. This is called 'shadow boxing'.
Today's offering records some of my flaws. I tap away from no strong point of success. I hold no lantern save His Word.
Eleven principles for those serving the Lord, no longer investing in shadows.
"Men are paying for shadows at the price of their immortal soul.
The human heart is a high-performance powerhouse, designed to beat billions of times during a lifetime, remain disease-free and provide the spark for human activities both conscious and unconscious.
We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.
I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of His resurrection and participation in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so somehow to attain the resurrection of the...
For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry.
Think like Jesus. He is pure. . . . .
Christ suffered in His body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin.
I didn't ask for Jesus, but He asked for me. What a joy! Unrequested and invisible.
Elijah passed by Elisha and threw his cloak upon him. (1 Kings 19:19c) A.
Do we ever doubt we are the best judge of our needs and desires? Foolishly still I am too inspired by me.
It pays to audit the heart, and all its ruminations.
There exists no other doorway into the appraisal of things spiritual than a grace given capacity. There is no casual Holy Spirit gift for discernment.
For You are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God. (Psalm 86:10) 'God gives Himself to us.
As we read the New Testament, we find a very simple, very plain, and very forceful truth: the Holy Spirit makes a difference! Consider the early disciples; Jesus Himself had...
The power of persevering in faith in the face of fiery, unyielding opposition can't be understated.
The true test of spiritual greatness is permanence. ~ A. W. Tozer The hard yards, the unseen yards are what a Christian lives.
'Heavenly' is the true instruction of saints and sinners. To the saint this is an anointing.
There is an Unseen City, it is named NEW JERUSALEM. Any Christian is wise to follow Jesus and fix their eyes resolutely upon the New Jerusalem.
Let me ask you a question please: when have you questioned yourself prior to a decision - will this please Jesus? There exists no easy path to life, whether Christian (or non-Christian),...
The way of holiness is the way of heavenly wealth. ~ Charles Spurgeon Be holy as I am holy.
It can be wildly difficult to inform a teenager that living is not about just them.
A “master of disguise” lives in the waters of Indonesia and in the Great Barrier Reef.
If you want to make God laugh - tell Him about your plans.
Listen to Me, My people; hear Me My nation. . . hear Me, you who know what is right, you people who have My law in your heart. .
Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night? (Job 35:10) The strength of a ship is only fully demonstrated when it faces a hurricane, and the power of...
To my mind 'obedience' is easy to say but ridiculously hard to do.
. . . I will walk humbly all my days because of the anguish of my soul (Isaiah 38:15b) . . .
The man brought me back to the entrance to the temple, and I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the temple toward the east (for the temple...
Jonah now learns how to bend the knee even in the belly of a monstrous fish. In my distress I called to the Lord, and He answered me.
Jonah was mighty soon to become jetsam. Distress counseled a low heart to obey. Jonah was soon to learn to not forfeit grace. Murmurs of grace multiply.
Jonah's mission was without precedence. It published murmurs of grace to the world of the Ancient Near East, to be developed at the Cross. Even gentiles can be saved.
On the day I called You answered me, my strength of soul You increased. (Psalm 138:3) Beware when harm is absent across extended days.
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who...
In a desperate persistence from the 1980s vain cry Greed is Good, it entered into the 1990s as a softer purpose to life, it was: the creation of wealth in perpetuity....
A man would be better to say there is no God than to say that God is unfaithful. ~ Thomas Brooks It is a madness.
It is the crucifix that men contend with. It 'nails' men to consider their own self - crucifixion.
Clench your fists in the fire. Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver, and you will honor Me (Psalm 50:15) . . .
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Always keen, the apostle Paul seeks to fashion the lives of his readers for their permanent betterment. Paul's ambitions are parallel to His Lord's.
Peace and War cannot rule simultaneously. Peace quietens War. War crushes Peace. But, mankind continues to run to war. Self-interest is the motivator.
A young colleague was often seen to be looking down on me (he towered above) and at various times he would stretch out his strong arm toward me.
You are our Father, we are the clay - You are the potter, we are the work of Your hand.
Jesus' pains and betrayals did not diminish His compassion, nor did it deliver cursing.
There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble His way. (Psalm 25:9) It is in humility that men seek the Throne of Grace.
My eyes grow dim through sorrow. Every day I call upon You, O Lord; I spread out my hands to You. (Psalm 88:9) Sorrow makes us move more slowly.
Lot chose to dwell in an 'eye-candy' valley, but its wicked shadow was soon to catch him out.
No pedigree graces this Antipodean life. Unlike the apostle Paul I claim no fine breeding, superior scholarship or advance in career.
The teachings of the pleasures of this world far outweigh any eternal reality. The call to separation few hear, and even fewer understand.
In either His teaching or His giving Jesus did not hold back. . . Jesus was not kidding. . . Jesus requires nothing more than He has given. .
Virtues and truths that would approach the throne of Grace can be rendered lukewarm by compromise from the deceitful man within. Bend the knee to only Me.
Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.
At a terrifying rate faithfulness is abandoned, and obedience jettisoned. The proposition for obedience is uncomplicated, no higher intellect required: I direct my life or He does.
May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance. (2 Thessalonians 3:5) The knowledge of God is to lead to obedience, there exists no second option.
The Lord examines His disciples. He does not measure their abilities or inabilities, not even for a minute. Jesus scans the heart for a believer's availability.
No true Christian carries a velvet cross. ~ John Flavel The pure and true knowledge of God is to convict a man to obedience.
Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed to Tarshish. He went down to Joppa where he found a ship bound for that port.
Love aims at the truth, for it is truth that sets a man free. But, the arrows of truth rarely bounce off their target.
It starts out as an interest in God. A sense that this God is to be explored, understood, and even perhaps trusted. So this God is studied, researched.
There are two measuring instruments that have similar names but different functions. One is a thermometer: it reflects its environment, telling you how hot or cold it is.
Old habits die hard. The road of return is easy. Peter was departing his call and returning to his old ways as a fisherman for fish.
Life offers every man an unlikely counsel every day. He may or may not receive it.
The panoramic views of Babylon always entice . . . The nightly news of Babylon continually saddens . . .
Scripture is quite clear, the rivers of Babylon are truly delightful.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!.
So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
No one knows about the day or the hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
#Today's SoulSnack was penned by a subscriber in 1958 as he was finishing school. This is received with thanks.
Pursue righteousness, flee the love of money. Lay firm hold of the eternal, and jettison the temporal from the mind.
Planes, trains and automobiles can all carry a ticket to ride. The ticket gets you on the vehicle and off. It requires a payment.
You, my brothers are called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge your sinful nature, but rather serve one another in love.
It is terribly hard to juggle the loud and insistent voices around you, while you only hear quite whispers within you.
Very early in Jesus' preaching career Matthew's Gospel records the Sermon on the Mount.
'He who dies with the most wins'. ~ Rene Rivkin (1944-2005, Australian stockbroker) Extravagant (and errant) lifestyles are injected into our attention almost daily.
Has some SCI-FI author of Orwellian proportions resurrected and turned the globe into the biggest movie set of all time? Maybe H. G.
"I cannot be of any use," says one. "I cannot talk in meetings. I cannot pray in public. I have no gift for visiting the sick.
I hate, I despise your feasts, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies.
It is difficult to ease our thoughts towards a Jesus who is neither gentle, meek nor mild.
This anonymous tale is taught with more than a fine hint of understanding life and its perspectives. There was a youth wild and free.
The virtue of 'holiness' is an anathema to common man. They rush headlong into the search for acceptance, a thirst for approval.
I love a timid country A land of scare campaigns Where mindless bogan slogans Just overtake our brains.
We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for...
Every minute of everyday another Christian's spiritual economy stalls. The debits are too frequent, and the interest rates are unsustainable.
Hang strong, hold tight. And. . . 'remain true to the Lord with all your heart.
The treasure of our salvation is held by each disciple in fragile jars of clay (see 2 Corinthians 4:6). Yet clay can be so prone to crack.
Pride is blind! Pride makes men strong and mean. It is a wicked strength and a terrible taskmaster. Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) reflected on the hypocrisy of pride.
Wise counsel is absent from the halls of pleasures. It is not poured from bar taps or left on bar stools.
Battles will bless you or bleed you. None will see God's greatness in life if they are not first grateful to Him.
There is a counsel that dies, and a wisdom that lives. The proud find death while the humble will seek out life.
It can be most difficult to be silent. Words roll off the lips, and the mouth can move far quicker than the mind.
Hardship peels a man's resilience back. His response to temptation reveals his soul.
Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
Many people will be surprised when Jesus' returns, but none will be mistaken. ~ anon Either wittingly or unwittingly each soul lives under the final countdown.
'When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind. ' ~ C. S.
The fuzziness of sin has left mankind without a compass. Only darkness can result. Christians now live in the times of Divine sifting.
When a person is newly born again, he seems inconsistent due to his unrelated emotions and the state of the external things or circumstances in his life.
How can a disciple be sure his paths are straight? Yet - the disciple can be confident in victory over this world, sure that his heart is no longer deceived.
Humanities' blindness causes it to continually stumble and fall. Humanity fails to see we each need the only one and true God as part of our lives.
Complacency is an equal enemy to busyness for the disciple. Each lead to a spiritual negligence with the sure risk of faith's flame becoming snuffed out.
Life is an exhaustingly permanent tussle with others, but more so, self. Life contains eternal riches to be tasted and even received upon earth.
I saw a man now stronger and wise, noteworthy for his distance from his fellow men.
Have you found that 'duty' and 'knowledge' have spilled over from modern Christianity as the active and right fodder of a good disciple? Much ancient discipling has been shelved on dusty library...
Scholars estimate there are between 3000 and 8000 Biblical promises. I guess the number is not of great importance, but God's faithfulness is.
Could the doctrine of the church be as much a competitor for the souls of men as a caress to them? I fear the doctrine of the church.
The day is to come (and soon) at Jesus' return when reason will prove faith right, and no longer contradict it.
Jesus hung out with His Father. So too - Moses, David, Elijah, Jeremiah, and many more, both seen and unseen, who thirsted in their faith.
There is no faithfulness until there is first hardship. Faithfulness is the compass needle that points to obedience and away from flight - during the terrors of life.
'WAKE ME UP WHEN I'M FAMOUS' is surely emblazoned upon any banner of self-entitlement.
I will say to myself - the Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.
We live as though the kingdom of darkness does not exist. (Neil Anderson) 2000 years ago there lived a very troubled man.
You may have just victoriously gone through a great crisis, but now be alert about the things that may appear to be the least likely to tempt you.
The same boiling water that softens the potato also hardens the egg. Life is not just about what you are made of, but who you become.
God is the richest, but His heart is for the poorest. Babylon is exclusive about who it chooses, those it turns into willing foot-soldiers.
Deep calls to deep. The adult who has played in the shallows will yearn for more. Faith and prayer beg for more. Righteousness calls to be heard.
I recall the water's edge in a sheltered cove, a quiet backwater to a much larger basin that spilled into the ocean.
The prophet Joel explained God's actions to a most difficult Israel.
I have cast my lot with Jesus I choose Him to navigate my calm or stormy seas I pray, I plead, my soul long wrestles with self-will Yet, I have cast my lot...
Ecclesiastical tribal traditions, whether these be Catholic, Pentecostal or Evangelical help and hinder believers.
She cowered. Stones were lifted for flight. Adultery meant death. Jesus stood to the side and watched. The crowd bleated and spat venom.
As I walked out the door to the gate that would lead me to freedom, I knew that if I didn't leave my hatred and bitterness behind I would still...
Believers travel an unfamiliar path. They move as journeymen, competent but not masters in the ways of holiness. This path is trodden by gentle and steadfast people.
Even more diligently than the prince of the air roams the earth seeking targets (Job 1:7), is the diligence that Christians must guard their lives.
The resurrection of Jesus the Christ nails my mind to grasp yet again at discipleship's true nature. People makes mistakes about Jesus - all the time.
There is a well used Aussie aphorism: If you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas.
My head leans toward what is common to man, and thus is uncommon to God. I mimic my teachers. The world and its churches are my loudest classrooms.
In holiness there is separation. This removes me from the eyes and mind of others.
Just a few weeks ago I sat on a firm bed in a modest (by western standards) Mongolian guesthouse.
Kindly many have advised me that I may well be a certifiable nut.
A thirsting soul longs for more. Those who audit their heart in times of difficulty and not just check their head will see a soul gazing upwards to heaven.
We seek the face of those we wish to know. This is the desiring and delight of another's presence.
'Take heed lest you fall', the apostle Paul counselled. My eyes well. Far too often I have witnessed countless friends fall from their Christian faith. This need not occur.
The Bible is present but consulted lightly, and so recalled too loosely. Frequently we remember the portion but not the lot.
Jesus recounts the parable of five maidens who fell asleep on the job. They fueled not their lamps.
Did Jesus ever speak light-heartedly when He invited me to follow? Were Jesus' pleas to His disciples' merely theatrical embellishments for the sake of some moment? In which part of 'he who...
Humans are beggars in various clothes. The most tawdry of all clothing is acquiescence. It bemoans courage, covers sin and flees truth.
Jesus was just an apprentice at public ministry, yet hectic crowds already gathered around Him. So Jesus withdrew to a mountainside. There His equally new disciples approached.
Righteousness is as the king's new clothes to this world. It is God's declared and delivered (at the Cross) intent that righteousness should reign.
Why would God think like men? God is not given to honor seeking, title printing or human applause.
Christ's calls are ultimate. He is no soft-serve vendor. It is not self-safety to pursue Him.
As with Noah, as with Moses and as with our Lord Jesus, the Father chooses just one righteous man to change His world. He calls no committees.
God will give a man the world who seeks none of it. It is such a man who holds no competitor in his heart to God.
On the seventh day God rested. Well - did He really, for how long? This restless Father can no more leave His child in sin than deny Himself.
Whoever holds the soul, holds the soul's eternity. The soul of a man is eternal. He owns it. It is his to do with as he pleases.
Aiden Wilson Tozer was a larger than life twentieth century prophet, who wore the mantle and knew the sackcloth and ashes.
In 1980 a now anonymous Rwandan pastor prophetically nailed to his wall the following thoughts. This was the evening prior to his martyrdom.
For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
Aiden Wilson Tozer (1897-1963) was not a man backward in coming forward. He would retire to the Lord's presence but never retire from a challenge to the church.
A Christian's soul battles his heart. His soul suggests righteousness while his heart stresses indulgence. Hudson Taylor held tightly to his soul's suggestions.
Slavery in Egypt gave the Israelites a dream. They dreamt of Canaan but tripped in the desert.
The wicked despise God saying He does not matter. The proud dispute God saying He does not exist. The simple ignore God unable to exercise prudence.
Just three days ago 'DA BOSS' inched lazily past me in his white muscle car. 'DA BOSS' license plates were his megaphone.
"Set your hope fully on the grace that is to be given to you when Jesus Christ is revealed".
Daily I am a victim of theft, Babylon robs my peace. My contentment is lost through Babylon's blatant self-promotion; all that invites me eyes I then do battle with.
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked, or stand in the way that sinners take, or sit in the company of mockers.
The endless days of dis-ease, the persistent and consistent times of distress are catalysts that change how we view time.
Stillness and solitude are the parents of devotion. "As the deer pants for the water so my soul longs after you O' God".
Tozer knew well the loneliness of a man who would return to Jesus what Jesus had given to him.
The gravity of Christian faith upon planet earth is only beaten by the glory that awaits the Christian in Heaven.
"His presence was as fatal to dullness as to immorality. . .
Fiery stones pave a Christian's path; thorns stalk through the cracks. The devil is dressed in a dinner suit and mingles in our midst.
Bible greats dwelt for short or extended periods in caves. Elijah, King David, Lazarus, John the Apostle and of course our Lord all passed through caves.
Servant-hood is a vocation few chase, a path rarely trekked. It offers no Doctorates and rightly flees acclaim.
Spiritual momentum is the gaining of a new craft to most men.
Decay is both the world's enemy and its fabric. Fundamental to life is maintenance lest downfall arrive. Life's upkeep is attended to for peace, or neglected at peril.
Whoever truly captures your heart today will own all your tomorrows. It is my heart's devotion or its absence today that will impact my present and steer my future.
Just a simple truth or three. . . Mankind lives as if he can hide from God, but this is impossible.
The moral core of planet earth has been eroded to almost extinction, its proper fabric is now shredded.
Life weaves for good or ill across every decade. This path of life has countless turns, is littered with serious obstacles and carries innumerable STOP signs.
The Holy Spirit has reminded me yet again that God's elect (His chosen ones) are strangers to this world.
Patience is the mother of rest, a perfume that wafts across harmony. Patience is the God-shaped waiting season for the re-gaining of strength and the joy of restoration.
Surrender listens to the lions. Compromise breeds an ill-fitting faith. It mis-aligns faith as an extra for living, rather than the map to life.
All creatures great and small await their appointed seasons and times. These are of Heaven and cannot be contained, changed or controlled.
That which controls a man owns him. A man's appetites are his rudder. His desires steer and then trap him.
The very nature of promise must first mean a waiting room, that period of eager hope. God promised a man of great age he would become a father.
The Lord is not slow as He measures His promises. Most men measure differently.
With an undeniable guarantee - life refuses the heart. Upheavals are the flavor of living across the globe. My world too flows in a persistent flux.
Evil multiplies at an hitherto unseen pace. Yesterday a shouting ISIS inspired youth took a knife and axe to passengers on a Bavarian train. He was shot and killed.
The Book of Psalms has always held a purple place in first Jews' and then Christians' hearts. The Psalms carry many of the most popular Bible verses.
Inevitably the fog of failure descends upon all those keen enough to make attempts.
Wise agents always decide their end before they commence their work. They will then direct their actions to that goal, to where they have set their face.
Flesh and blood are the battlefield of spiritual combat. The wars are frequent, the attacks deadly in their intent.
Men drink from the rivers of Babylon. They sit by its soothing waters and then dive into its cool.
Empires crumble, kingdoms rattle and men collapse as God turns upside down His creatures of ambition and comfort.
Bouncing today from the walls of ancient Cathedrals or the roofs of modern Christian auditoriums is the same call - be steadfast, these times are increasingly wicked - discern good...
My life has been a life lived in God's furious longing (for me). And I have learned to pray. ~ Brennan Manning I would seek to echo Brennan.
LENT BIBLE STUDIES ~ The Bible is rich with stories from yesterday that become equally powerful metaphors for the modern reader today.
As sure as the candles on my birthday cake accumulate the titans of my flesh and faith war.
Please click the link below for each weekly set of Bible Study notes. They consist of further short thoughts parallel to the small chapters of Lucado's book.
Daily we live trading our seconds in daydreams, and dallying with too long moments in our thoughts.
You are retired for your private devotions; you have opened the Bible, and you begin to read. Now, do not be satisfied with merely reading through a chapter.
Pirates sail to search the oceans and explorers hunt the earth for a bounty well beyond imagination.
Sung by the luminaries of the entertainment industry for nearly a century is the 1924 Isham Jones penned, and ever-popular song 'It had to be you'.
There is a divine vapor permeating redeemed souls but yet to be received by their redeemed minds.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has admitted the Paris attacks left him questioning the presence of God.
Percolating within me is the suspicion that Snoopy and Homer Simpson are both cartoon characters of playful (and therefore humorous) negativity.
STOP! Don't read down, well - not yet. Grab a pencil and without too much thought write down the three most expensive items on your heart? . . .
It is to the lost, least, last and lonely. . . It is to the forgotten, the forsaken and the humanity's discarded. . . . . .
Are you surrounded by those fired for argument or given to fits of rage? There are those around each life that demand your peace and replace it with unrest.
Of what mortal use is an armour worn backwards? This is no fine preparation for battle.
Leaning towards ease is as natural for mankind as water flowing downhill. The human race is a herd. A herd.
Jesus’ own “pilgrimage” through life showed us the secret of being HIDden in Him for the journey.
The world as it stands (and has always stood since Eden) is at odds with its one and only creator God.
Our prayers have risen as incense to heaven. Though persistently released from our heart in great hunger, we may even beg for supernatural healings yet they fail.
Has the good Lord hidden you in the cleft of a rock, is sand still grinding your shoes as you trudge through a desert or does He still have you...
With the noose already loose around his neck Judas kissed Jesus. To this day he adds flesh to messing-up, unfaithfulness, treachery and finally lost discipleship.
Christians are having their breath choked from them. 'Fundamental faith' has been tarred with and by extremism.
Maybe oceans of mud have been splashed all over your name by another, or even by yourself? When mud is thrown it sticks, clinging correctly or incorrectly to your name.
The uncontrollable setting of each day may decide to build us up or conspire to tear us down.
So you want to leave church? Tempted to give up the faith, fleeing toxic fellowship and never rejoining Christ's body? The bleatings and finger-pointing from the pulpit, mixed with the jostling of...
In 1984, Ronald Reagan explained this powerful anecdote of Telemachus to those assembled at the Annual National Day of Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC.
Gethsemane was the crucible of Jesus' self-crucifixion. There is little death to self without first falling to earth amidst the soul's unshared travail.
Plugs manage every moment of every day. Black, white, regular and irregular shaped plastic appendages are poked into walls, sockets and all power sources.
The rule of righteousness is the home of wisdom, complete with rooms of honor. The fool and the scoundrel are without shelter.
The year of living dangerously is upon each disciple. He whose side was pierced, brow was tortured and body broken is 'calling faith in'.
"He who dies with the most wins" ~ the late and disgraced stockbroker Rene Rivkin once preached. Jesus does not agree.
The door is blocked by boxes, the hallway littered by what most generously spoken people call 'refuse', and the kitchen table bedecked in the unimaginable and the worthless.
We very often believe that in order to serve others, to share the good news of Jesus, we need to become powerful in an earthly sense.
At irregular intervals a sneaking spiritual beetle crawls the dishevelled web of my soul. It seeks hindsight, believing in the strong suspicion that this maybe my finest educator.
My dear old mom was wont to repeat to her persistent and untidily clad son, that he may not be too slow to learn: clothes maketh the man.
It is time to corrall my thinking, to fence my mind with divine palings and posts cut from heaven.
Everybody does this! Who does not seek favor upon earth? There is nary a soul with dusty feet who does not pursue a crown or position self for such.
A decade ago a clever friend speculated that whatever Hollywood could think of they could also create.
The Highway of Holiness is an unfamiliar path, at times barren and most lonely. It is unseen by the blind, those who do not know or seek God's ways.
Spiritual ambition is the seeking of reward in heaven and not upon earth.
The Sermon on the Mount opens with the visit of new disciples to a young Lord.
Maybe the biggest problem in choosing forgiveness is pride? I am NOT going to forgive them! Forgiveness creates room for the Holy Spirit of Jesus to move in me and maybe the...
It is the inner life of a man that God searches out, gazes upon and then scrutinizes.
The body can be a polar cap while the soul can be an inferno. Another's mal-intent has set alight your soul, and it burns to this day.
Life has been (is?) carnage! You've been (are?) cannoned like a billiard ball and careened against hardened cushions by a blunt instrument others keep belting you with.
Salmon have long commanded both my imagination and my appetite. (Hmm - salmon agree with my palate so well that I am sure they are food from Eden.
Soul Snack 226/14 . . . Our minds may be filled with ideas of God while our hearts remain far from Him.
Soul Snack 220/14 . . . Pulpits have dulled it and the world is silent.
Soul Snack 210/14 . . . Mankind is skilled at seeking spiritual success in all the wrong places. Christians have learned spiritual success is first doing and not being.
Soul Snack 196/14 . . . Confessors of the Lord slip from the climb to heaven or drop out of the Tree of Life in a reckless abandon.
Soul Snack 190/14 . . . It is a painfully wicked life to wear the holey trousers of despair.
Soul Snack 189/14 . . . Impatience is first bound in the agony of a man's soul. The impatient man seeks to salve his soul with immediate well-being.
Soul Snack 188/14 . . . The helmet of covetousness crowns many a man's thinking. It is the ongoing expression of dissatisfaction.
Soul Snack 187/14 . . . The shirt of discontentment is woven with prickly threads, it irritates the soul.
Soul Snack 186/14 . . . Rest is the life-long chase of all souls. Rest is stolen when wickedness punctures the soul.
Soul Snack 176/14 . . . The morning arrives, you blink through bleary eyes towards the curtains and clumsily your feet hit the floor.
Soul Snack 175/14 . . . I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day; I'd rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way.
Soul Snack 164/14 . . . I am caught between Northern Iraq and Moldova; a western Christian's no-man's land of impotence and self-questioning.
Soul Snack 163/14 . . . Little peace drips from the bonds of riches. Wealth is by no means sinful, it is not wrong.
Soul Snack 162/14 . . . Peace drips from the font of riches. Dollars anoint the fluctuations of the soul; they salve the sores of the spirit.
Soul Snack 145/14 . . . Confusion and Christianity are rarely bed partners, or truly bed partners.
SoulSnack 133/14 . . . A sad young Muslim girl stood outside the doorway of a Filipino church longing for the love and joy displayed by those inside.
Soul Snack 117/14 . . . Concealed in a pre-dawn human history, before a time any man could number, Job almost drowned in the chalice of suffering.
Soul Snack 109/14 . . . On July 8th 1741 Jonathon Edwards preached up a hell-fire storm.
Soul Snack 105/14 . . . An unrestrained personal confrontation is the Bible's DNA. It accosts the wayward soul while opposing the sinful spirit.
Soul Snack 95/14 . . . God's voice is an infinite tent that canopies the skies.
Soul Snack 83/14 . . . A fresh mission draws, WAIT no - it lures me from evangelical rectitude and shades me under the Tree of Life.
Soul Snack 81/14 . . . It is a distinctive life that hungers and thirsts for the Lord.
Soul Snack 66/14 . . . Man has learned to live upon bread alone, but this is not as God intended.
Soul Snack 64/14 . . . To prayerfully ponder Ephesians 4 of the Holy Scripture will recalibrate the way we live in this world.
Soul Snack 58/14 . . . If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.
Soul Snack 57/14 . . . Beware, another Jesus is being built to new specifications before your very eyes.
Soul Snack 51/14 . . . The soul is stormed, a tempest is multiplied and Heaven is assailed when moaning is the lubricant of speech, oil to each day.
Soul Snack 13/14 . . . Those who leave the greatest physical legacies are those who are willing to pay the largest spiritual costs.
IntroductionThis shaken soul reels and shudders as The Empire State Building is lit up for all to see by an image of satan, reflected in the picture of the Hindu goddess...
Soul Snack 12/14 . . . 600 years ago The Reformation liberated Christ from the crucifix.
Soul Snack 212/13 . . . Holy Stains Stains are disdained. Blemishes, marks and imperfections carry witness to wear and tear.
Soul Snack 203/13 . . . To me or not to me - AGAIN? Indulgence penetrates to saturation Western Christianity.
Soul Snack 201/13 . . . To me or not to me? Whoever obeys, renounces the fulfillment of his own will. ~ J. O.
Soul Snack 183/13 . . . The Mortal Battle If you can, imagine ALL the call of heaven upon your life. . .
Soul Snack 111/13 . . . God's Property There is a divine claim, indeed ownership against my life that I still fail to comprehend.
Soul Snack 95/13 . . . Ruling God? How different are God's ways from ours.
Soul Snack 46/13 . . . A Cherokee Legend# An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life.
Soul Snack 207/12 . . . Blind Christians - A Many western Christian's walk through life sliding white ball-tipped sticks before them.
Soul Snack 94/12 . . . A Martyr's Memoirs - A# I am a disciple of Jesus the Christ. I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed.
Soul Snack 73/12 . . . Nailing Jesus to Me Pastor Youceff Nardarkhani has been jailed in Iran.
Soul Snack 182/11 . . . The Couch & the Cross Jesus is bold, forthright and unconstrained. He is not backward in coming forward.
Soul Snack 137/11 . . . Turning the heat down There is a terrifying and inescapable theme to our Lord's teaching - I just don't have final control.
Soul Snack 134/11 . . . The Habitual Heart - B Commanding each day are tiny seasons.
Soul Snack 133/11 . . . The Habitual Heart - A Leaping aloft from the pages of Isaiah 58 are words of challenge and not words of comfort.
Soul Snack 104/11 . . . Life's Poker Machines A sun-drenched afternoon revealed his thinning hair.
Soul Snack 101/11 . . . Impurity's Ashe cloudTo navigate life well it must begin with the difficult and diligent pursuit of purity.
Soul Snack 75/11 . . . Choking the SoulChristians are called to peace not war - grace not greed and a life lived well from faith.
Soul Snack 30/11 . . . Climbing Trees Think of your favourite tree.
Soul Snack 24/11 . . . The Price of Poverty Rampaging within the indulgent and the self-consumed is a rich human spirit.
Soul Snack 23/11 . . . The Garden of God The Bible is rich with agricultural metaphors from planting to pruning to uprooting. God's church is His garden.
Soul Snack 13/11 . . . Recognising Spiritual Strength Some men come to my mind as spiritual superstars, most would also likely wear the mantle of prophet.
Soul Snack 7/11 . . . The Mirror of the Cross Adultery is unfaithfulness. Largely it is unseen.
Soul Snack 117/12 . . . God's Property Some live within the sound of church, or chapel bell.
Soul Snack 153/10 . . . The High Road of Blessing The high road of blessing is the road less travelled.
Soul Snack S12/12 . . . This man Jesus There is nothing comfortable about a cross.
Soul Snack 104/10 . . . The Mature soul The joy of a Divinely captured soul will always remove the loneliness of solitude.
Soul Snack 25/10 . . . Christian carnivores! From birth to burial the purpose of life is advancement to maturity.
Soul Snack 13/10 . . . Wanting - B! The soul of the Christian bears much conflict these days.
Soul Snack 12/10 . . . Wanting - A! Enlivening the senses and engaging the mind are the bombarding attractions of today.
Soul Soul 8/10 . . . Jesus' clarity. I now enjoy a flat screen monitor. It is not large, so I have reclaimed valuable desk space. It is new.
Soul Snack 9/221 . . . Climate controlled faith! Climate control is a hot topic for both science and cars these days. It's all about temperature.
Soul Snack 9/206 . . . Cheating on Jesus. The Jesus of my journey is the crucified one.
Soul Snack 9/199 . . . Stealing Jesus - E Prior to His Passion a truthful and understanding messiah reflected on salvation to a rich and sad young ruler.
Soul Snack 9/198 . . . Stealing Jesus - D Robbery of my faith begins when I fail any longer to see my deep sinfulness.
Soul Snack 9/196 . . . Stealing Jesus - B Flowing flawlessly through a soul that has fasted of righteousness is an unhindered self-will.
Soul Snack 9/161 . . . A martyr's mind - A! "I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have the Holy Spirit's power.
SOUL SNACK 9/110 . . . Heading home. Raging within each man's heart is a competition, day by day and hour by hour.
Soul Snack 9/28 . . . Bike Blessings? There is something re-assuring about traversing a path to goodness.
Soul Snack 8/198 . . . Rotten Rebukes? An invisible flinch perforated her entire being as gentle precision chosen words were spoken to her.
Soul Snack 8/193 . . . The Care Canopy Benevolent building is at God's core to care. God's cleansings are His footings to all His spiritual building programmes.
Soul Snack 8/168. . . A Sin Saviour As bugs are attracted to light, so am I attracted to sin. Sin feels like light, but hurts like darkness.
Soul Snack 8/167 . . . A Sin Assassin As very close as the next opportunity is my sin. My vulnerability is its knowledge. My weakness is its advantage.
Soul Snack 8/156 . . . Radically Rebel! Bob Dylan, Martin Luther King and Che Guevera all marched to the same rebellious tune.
Soul Snack 8/137 . . . Speaking Well. Annoying crackles reverberated through the audience. This poor microphone an appropriate metaphor for an equally annoying comedian.
Soul Snack 8/120 . . . Anger Management Her tongue had always been her strong point. Articulate and well groomed speech always engineered a destructive tirade.
Soul Snack 8/97 . . . "Wrecked Work?" Fourteen days of just one storm while sailing across the volatile ancient Mediterranean had taken it's expected toll.
Soul Snack 8/96 . . . Self Discovery Brash, bold, and foolishly intrepid is the mouth and heart of the self-ignorant.
Soul Snack 8/95 . . . Beaten Paths A sullen and weary Job sits head in hands, brow beaten again by another friend.
Soul Snack 8/65 . . . Touching the Eternal The knowledge of God is vigorously pursued across this world and across eons of time.
Soul Snack 8/6 . . . High Performance Hearts. ". . . above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.
Soul Snack 105 . . . The Praise Pier 'Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence'.
Soul Snack 92 . . . Working Well '. . . be like a dove that makes its nest at the mouth of a cave. . . ' Jer.
SOUL SNACK 53 . . . The Believer's By-Pass? “Remember the words I spoke to you. ' No servant is greater than his master.
SOUL SNACK 45 … A River and Reservoir of Grace “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in...
Daily thundering through our lives is the bane of modern mans' existence - traffic! Traffic can variously be described as mayhem, menace or even malevolence.
SOUL SNACK 40 . . . The Winning Will “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your good Spirit Lead me to level ground.
Soul Snack 75 . . . The Peace Process 'Be completely gentle and humble, bearing one another in love. Make every effort to keep. . . unity. . .