Brekkie with Jesus
Soul Snack 18/11 ... The Ordinary Extraordinary
Had Jesus conducted a solitary nocturnal beachfront vigil, His resurrection now complete?
Did Jesus arrive at exactly the correct time, after all He would know?
He already knew of His disciples burdens and would act to lift them. This seaside gathering would soon have burdens replaced by blessings.
The scriptures are completely silent on the duration of Jesus' beach wait for His disciples. Apparently there had been a sufficient interval to establish a fire and cook the fish breakfast, (His fish were cooking before the disciples alighted onto the shore). As always, His intentions were to help where they had only received hindrance.
Surely Jesus, who seeds the patience of the universe would conduct a seashore vigil? He would wait with the patience of heaven until their boat arrived!
Surely Jesus, He who knows all hidden secrets (except one) did not wait for these beaten fishermen. He would so readily know the exact time and place of their appearing. Earlier he had appeared to them miraculously, it would be simple for Him to repeat the performance.
Does Jesus wait up all night until you rise?
Is Jesus there instantly as you rise?
These harangued disciples witness an ordinary but scared man, giving ordinary instructions to ordinary people.
Jesus provided an ordinary breakfast and conducted His ordinary friendships in a most ordinary place. But these seven lost followers received some extraordinary things. First came the instruction and then the catch. Peter has guilt and shame removed. Peter is restored in spirit and body. They all see and hear the prophetic. This happens to them simply because they had accepted His invitation to breakfast.
Jesus said to them, "Come and have breakfast." John 21:10a
As you awake each morning in your ordinary bedroom and rise to start your ordinary day in your ordinary house there is also now an extraordinary man waiting to feed you with the most extraordinary food.
As you arise each morning the extraordinary is waiting eagerly to meet the ordinary. He too waits to remove your burdens and gift you with blessings. He is standing there with warm eyes and inviting outstretched arms holding your plate of His extraordinary food.
Early each morning there is always space for Him before the clutter of the day arrives.
He fed these seven, He wants to do it for you too, early tomorrow morning and each morning thereafter.