Blue Blindness

It is so easy to watch the looming clouds above and simply miss the stunning blue in-between.

Father, You have shown to me:

- the paths of life,

- the ways of wonder and

- the compass to righteousness.


Father, You cover me with:

- joy in Your presence,

- protection when I am absent, and

- guidance in my shaky footsteps.


Father, You will not:

- abandon me to oppression,

- release me to discomfort, or

- refuse me Your counsel.


Father, You have poured over me:

- mercy without limit,

- blessings beyond sight, and

- hope in abundance.

Father, these favors of Yours I can't package, post, hoard or multiply. But - I can use them, feel them and pass them on. I am a reservoir of Your grace. Yet, may I become a river of grace and gratitude too? Forgive me for seeing the clouds and being blind to the blue. Amen.

I saw the Lord always before me... You have made known to me the paths of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence. (Acts 2:25a & 28)

Today's Soul Snippet:

Those who get behind Jesus will find that Jesus has already got behind them.
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#Today's image is gathering storm clouds rolling up the east coast of Australia, and approaching Sydney.