
Battle wounds are still open, swords are still raised; feelings are bleak and the darkness weighs heavy. The Lord would speak always refreshment:

My child, come to Me. Rest a while in Me. Let Me replenish you, rejuvenate you, restore you.

If you are hard pressed, remember that He who is within you is greater than any circumstance around you.

If you are embattled, remember that those who are with you are stronger than those who are against you.

If you are afraid of tomorrow, remember He who is in you is already there waiting for you.

My love surrounds you, protects you, encourages you, and enlivens you! It is like a wall of fire around you. It is as your own personal protective shield, holding back every demon of hate and rebellion from you.

Cast all your cares upon Me, because I care for you!

Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. (Psalm 116:7)

The Last Word:

In His righteousness Jesus chose you to bless you, and not to burden you. Do you believe this? I DO!