A Wonderful Wavelength

Without constant movement 'the universe' atrophies. Yet, God continues dishonored and still renews this world each and every day.

'Renewables' are too offered daily. Who would refuse a 'new' heart, and/or a 'reconditioned' mind?

The quality of ‘newness‘ captures so many. It delivers refreshment. It is from the new that errors can be replaced, mistakes retreated from, and tomorrow becomes bright. This 'new' presents the message of moving forward, to a good change.

The Lord can sniff those who are stale and see those sullied too. He speaks to the dis-spirited, offering to all who would receive a new heart (Jeremiah 31:31-34) and a reconditioned mind.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2) 

It is God’s loving desire to bring helpful change to mankind's very being. He acts most diligently to this end. The good Lord is active in cleansing minds of pollutants. He lifts the blockages from man's understanding of Him and His benefits. In fact I NEED His mind for me (not my mind for me), if I am to get life correct.

The Last Word:

The cleansed mind is able to apprehend ‘His good, perfect and pleasing will’. It is then liberated to His ‘wonderful wavelength’.