A Prayer for Many!
My Father in heaven -
what do I have that is not of You,
what fruit can I bear without Your seeds,
what place of belonging is there away from You,
what grace can smile upon me without Your mercy?
No person, no principality, no power can add to You nor subtract from what You are and who You are.
No person, no principality, no power can change what You have already given me, and the treasures You still have in store for me.
Father you are my all in all, my shade each day, and my light each night.
You are my hope in pain, my prayer in solitude, my passion in gatherings, my life today and my promise for tomorrow.
I know this sounds very hollow but - THANK YOU! Amen
... as the deer pants for the water so my soul longs after you. (Psalm 42:1)
Today's Soul Snippet:
"First keep peace with yourself, then you can keep peace with others." ~ Thomas a Kempis
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