12 Uncommon Christmas Quotes
God couldn't have made Himself bigger to impress us, so He made Himself smaller to attract us. ~ J. John
- Christmas is omnipotence wrapped in the bonds of my own fragile humanity. ~ Brennan Manning
- Incarnation is the oldest Christian story. Through Christ, God is pouring God's self into all creation. ~ Richard Rohr
You've stood where Joseph stood, caught between what God says and what makes sense. ~ Max Lucado
- He who hasn’t Christmas in his heart won’t ever find it under a tree. ~ Roy L. Smith
- It is in giving that we receive. ~ St Francis of Assissi
- Christmas is love come down to earth - a gift of infinite worth.
- At that first Christmas the Father had already chosen giving above receiving.
- Jesus did not enter the world to change it but to claim it.
- The Jesus of the cradle was born to become the Jesus of the cross.
- Christmas is God looking up to us from a manger, not peering down upon us from a throne.
- The manger, this insignificant landing pad of God on earth shouts; 'seek the simple, enjoy the elusive, but be sure to honor the humble'.
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. (Galatians 4:4-5)
Today's Soul Snippet:
'The price for purity is high; but impurity is dirt cheap.' ~ anon
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