SKIMMING GRACE ~ C ... 'The Broken Author'
Soul Snack 98/14 ... The entry to this world is marked with a cry.
There is an odyssey of heartache that all will embark upon. This begins when their fresh birth-stained cheeks are slapped by a midwife or doctor.
Life will be learned, life will be gained and life will be pained. Loss will arrive and residues of past pains will stubbornly linger.
In a captivating autobiography of a malevolent upbringing, a stupor driven adulthood and his own drunken loss, ex-Catholic priest Brennan Manning described being rescued by a vagrant, an utmost stranger, from a condominium floor in Fort Lauderdale, Florida –
"...he affirmed me in my emptiness, loved me in my loneliness and taught me in the wisdom of tenderness." #
While one sin scarred tramp reached out to another sin scarred tramp - grace was the conduit. Jesus' love flowed between two unknown and two uncared for men. One vagrant had brandished a surprising mercy with flagrant disregard to a body and soul that also knew no comfort.
In my pocket of life, my corner of existence - in my own odyssey through life there will be at least one pain I have received that will be a gain for another.
"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'(Mt 25:46)
# Brennan Manning - The Wisdom of Tenderness (San Francisco CA: HarperCollins 2004),105
Today’s Soul Snippet:
There will always be a path of righteousness to walk on any plain of pain.
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ENJOY - SKIMMING GRACE ~ B ...'The Humble Author'