To Those Intent On Being Right
Shamefully known for his posturing, Diotrephes took no prisoners. He was intent on being first. (3 John 9-10)
It is knowledge that sets a man ahead of other men. It is knowledge's wealth that equips men to be first, and soaks then in pride.
The sceptre of the Christian scholar's kingdom is study (theology), but the sceptre of the Son's kingdom is righteousness.
The Holy Spirit honors no theological boundaries or academic ability. He is no more bound by man's learning than the wiser thief whose cross shadowed Jesus and ascended to paradise.
It is sobering and correct to recall Jesus' lesson from the mountainside to the gathered throng for:
blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8)
NOTE: Jesus did not teach - blessed are the proud of heart for they shall change the minds of men.
High voltage learning is no more entry into the Kingdom of Heaven than the gate is wide.
There are no denominational endorsements, or college laurels hailed in heaven. The heart is God's proving ground, but the mind is His examination room.
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? ‘I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind. (Jeremiah 17:9)
The humbler, those just a tad wiser to their heart will agree:
God weighs the heart alone.
Correct knowledge is never more than - correct. It is never a badge of honor.
Being right matters far less than being righteous.
Today's Soul Snippet:
There is a depth to desiring Jesus that correct theology can never plumb.
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