The Wealth of the Poor
God is the richest, but His heart is for the poorest.
Babylon is exclusive about who it chooses, those it turns into willing foot-soldiers.
Babylon selects those born of nobility, without defect and washed with aptitude - thus they may be quick to learn and promote its wicked heart. Such persons become adept and comfortable with the language of Babylon. (See Daniel 1:1-7)
Babylon leaves the poor behind in Jerusalem. The poor are unable to learn its language, so Babylon knows no love of them. Consequently its corruptions are thus withheld from the poor.
Jerusalem is as safe as Babylon is dangerous.
When Babylon finally sacked Jerusalem in 587 BC it left the poorest behind; those unvalued to gain its tutelage, work its fields or tend its vineyards. Babylon saw nothing to gain from them. The Lord kept His own, He valued them with Him - in His Holy City, the city of peace - Jerusalem. Thus He protected them from the restless city of greed filled merchants - Babylon.
Israel's poor were better off than all those dragged into exile.
To this day those who remain in 'Jerusalem', those who resist Babylon and flee its seductions, those whose hearts remain steadfast are blessed - the recipients of divine favor. God draws these 'poor' into His courts and then fills them each day with good things from His house, as He too did yesterday.
God chooses those who are poor in the eyes of this world to be filled richly in faith. (James 2:5)
In the good Lord's economy it is the people who no-one imagines anything of that will then do for the Lord things that no man can imagine.
Today's Soul Snippet:
'Blessed is the believer who knows their heart for they will forever choose humility.'
ENJOY too - Lightning Strikes of Love & The Wonder of Heaven! ~ A Parable
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